The Gesellschaft für Schadstoffanalytik has been a competent partner in the field of measuring harmful substances at the workplace for decades.
As we have carried out numerous measurements and analyses in the company for possible measurements of harmful substances, we have a direct insight into what our measurement technicians need.
Measuring of harmful substances and GSA sampling systems
The sampling systems are also further optimized to meet the requirements. In 1991, the GSA Messgerätebau GmbH was founded, which builds measuring devices and accessories (PGP system – personal hazardous substance sampling system) for the measurement of workplaces under license. These were developed by Institut für Arbeitsschutz of the Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV, or IFA).
These licensed GSA products for measuring of harmful substances at the workplace include:
- FAP for fibrous dusts
- FSP2 for the dust fractions A-dust at 2L/min
- FSP10 for the dust fraction A-dust at 10L/min
- GGP for total dust
- GGP-U for total dust and gas
- GSP for the dust fraction E-dust
- EA for simultaneous measurement of A-dust and E-dust
- EA-SR for welding fumes
These are personal systems that have been developed for use at the workplace.
The PGP system (Personengetragenes hazardous substance-Probenahmesystem ) is subject to the design of the functionality and is licensed by the IFA (Institut für Arbeitsschutz of the German Social Accident Insurance) .
The corresponding sampling system must be set up for each measurement of a pollutant load. This requires a sampling pump that can generate the necessary volume flow. The GSA Messgerätebau offers various models to measure different substances.
Why is a PGP system required?
A PGP system (personal hazardous substance sampling system) is required to carry out measurements of harmful substances at the workplace. As soon as hazardous substances are used in work processes or can arise, a Risk assessment and a safety concept make sense.
The employer is obliged to ensure the protection of its employees and to minimize or exclude health hazards.
Depending on the substance, the occupational limit value (OEL) also comes into play as part of these safety measures. The OEL describes the maximum permissible concentration of a of a pollutant at the workplace. Compliance with this value can be checked using our GSA measuring devices. This allows the safety measures to be monitored and, if necessary, optimized.
Which GSA measuring devices are suitable?
GSA is particularly specialized in the field of particle measurements of dusts. The FSP, GSP and GGP systems are used for the various particle measurements of dusts, depending on the requirements of the substance to be measured.
FSP system – for sampling A-dust
The FSP system for particle measurements of the respirable dust fraction (A-dust) is combined with a fine dust measuring device, depending on requirements for a volume flow of 2 or 10 l/min.
The measuring device SG10-2A is particularly suitable for measuring the particle fraction of A-dust with high volume flows. With the FSP10 sampling system, it is also possible to test smaller dust particle quantities.
GSP system – for sampling E-dust
The GSA measuring devices SG5200 and SG5100ex are particularly suitable for the GSP system for sampling the inhalable dust fraction (E-dust).
With the SG5100ex can also be measured precisely in potentially explosive atmospheres. These measuring devices are easy to handle, so that sampling does not cause any possible impairment during work.
If you have any further questions about the PGP systems (personal sampling systems hazardous substance), please contact us. We will be happy to help you select the right system for your needs.