Measuring omicrons in breath with Vira-Pore

Omikron air measurements

In order to measure the highly infectious new coronavirus variant Omikron in the breath and for the possible detection of other viruses, we offer the new Vira-Pore sampling cassette, we offer a precise coronavirus air sampling is available. Available from our online store, the Vira-Pore sampling cassette available from our online shop can be used in conjunction with one of the GSA measuring devices SG10-2, SG10-2A and SG12.

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Improving indoor air indoors

Ventilate the room air

Simple strategies for improving indoor air

The current pandemic situation, with the tightening of coronavirus measures, has completely changed the living conditions of most people. Many are working from home to protect their health and their workplace. Often, the entire family spends almost all of their time at home without properly exchanging the indoor air at intervals due to the general closure of schools or daycare centers or the current inability to use leisure facilities outside the home.

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