Pollutants in the home or workplace can pose a serious health risk. If there is a suspicion of air quality pollution, for example due to the occurrence of various symptoms (“sick building syndrome”), an air measurement can provide clarity.
Measuring of harmful substances at the workplace
The Gesellschaft für Schadstoffanalytik has been a competent partner in the field of measuring harmful substances at the workplace for decades.
As we have carried out numerous measurements and analyses in the company for possible measurements of harmful substances, we have a direct insight into what our measurement technicians need.
Dust particle measurement using GSA device SG10-2A
Dust particle measurement for fine dust
The SG10-2A can be used to measure dust particles very precisely, taking into account the respective size specification of the “aerodynamic diameter”. With the measuring device SG10-2A, samples of hazardous substances up to 10 l/min according to EN 481 – both stationary and stationary – can be measured.
Nanoparticles and the REACH Regulation
What are nanoparticles?
The term nanoparticle is used to describe particles with a size between 1 and 100 nanometers in height, width or length. The Greek term “nanos” means dwarf and illustrates the size dimension.
Particulate matter pollution due to burning
Users generally do not imagine fine dust pollution in the home – simply by lighting and burning atmospheric candles – and are aware of the possible effects on health. Candles are particularly popular in the run-up to Christmas.
Measure dust exposure at the workplace with SG10-2A
GSA measuring device SG10-2A: Measure dust exposure at the workplace
Strict limit values for permissible dust exposure apply to occupational safety in environments with dusts. This is particularly important for checking dust exposure at the workplace in order to avoid health hazards.
The GSA measuring device SG10-2A enables the measurement of dusts and other hazardous substances up to 10 l/min in accordance with EN 481.
GSA measuring device SG10-2A: Measure dust exposure at the workplace
Strict limit values for permissible dust exposure apply to occupational safety in environments with dusts. This is particularly important for checking dust exposure at the workplace in order to avoid health hazards.
The GSA measuring device SG10-2A enables the measurement of dusts and other hazardous substances up to 10 l/min in accordance with EN 481.
Measure occupational limit values GSA SG10-2 and PM4-2 devices
The occupational limit values describe the maximum permitted exposure to a substance at the workplace. This is based on regular contact over a 40-hour working week (5 days of 8 hours each). Important safety measures at the workplace can be derived from the results obtained.
RCP measurement with GSA measuring device SG350ex
With the measuring device SG350ex, the mass fractions of hydrocarbons can be determined by means of an RCP measurement. The measurement with the measuring device SG350ex is used to check occupational health and safety. It can be used to test whether the permissible occupational limit values of the respective mixtures are exceeded or whether there is no specific health hazard.
Technical rules for hazardous substances – TRGS 900
Behind the abbreviation TRGS stands for the Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances. These rules reflect the current state of the art, scientific findings for activities involving hazardous substances, including their classification and labeling. They are drawn up by the Committee for Hazardous Substances (AGS) and published by the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS). The Hazardous Substances Ordinance can also be consulted.
Measure pollutants in the house
In general, the term pollutants refers to substances that have a harmful effect on health and/or the environment.
The pollutants can be solids, gases/fumes or liquids and are usually present as mixtures of substances.
The hazard potential depends on the type of substance and the duration and frequency of exposure.