Measure occupational limit values GSA SG10-2 and PM4-2 devices

Measuring devices PM4-2 and SG10-2

The occupational limit values describe the maximum permitted exposure to a substance at the workplace. This is based on regular contact over a 40-hour working week (5 days of 8 hours each). Important safety measures at the workplace can be derived from the results obtained.

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Measuring dioxins with GSA measuring devices PM4-2

Measure dioxins with PM4-2

Measure dioxins with GSA Gravikon PM4-2

If dioxin contamination is suspected, a dioxin measurement should be carried out promptly. Our PM4-2 measuring devices are suitable for measuring dioxins, PCDDs and other dioxin-like compounds. With these measures, dangerous occurrences of dioxin contamination can be tested very accurately in order to precisely verify possible suspected cases.

To develop the optimum measurement concept, please contact us, our measurement engineers will be happy to advise you.

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