In October 2021, the brochure “Branchenlösung Asbestos beim Bauen im Bestand – Handlungshilfe für Tätigkeiten an asbesthaltigen Putz, Spachtelmassen und Fliesenklebern” was published by BG BAU (Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft). It is intended to provide companies and employees involved in building work with asbestos with important practical guidance on protective measures.
SG12 measuring device
Asbestos situation 2020 – facts from “National Asbestos Profile Germany”
Current study on the asbestos situation in Germany
In June 2020, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Baua) published the “National Asbestos Profile Germany” for the second time. The national asbestos situation in Germany is explained in over 70 informative pages.