Asbestos situation 2020 – facts from “National Asbestos Profile Germany”

Current study on the asbestos situation in Germany

In June 2020, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Baua) published the “National Asbestos Profile Germany” for the second time. The national asbestos situation in Germany is explained in over 70 informative pages.

Country-specific “National Asbestos Profiles” are also published for the other European member states. They have been developed as part of national programmes for the elimination of asbestos-related diseases and are based on a declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Topics of the National Asbestos Profile Germany

The current “National Asbestos Profile” for Germany provides information on the current situation and its development in the following areas:

  • Asbestos consumption and use
  • Number of people exposed to asbestos
  • Health hazards and risks from asbestos
  • Number of illnesses and deaths caused by asbestos fibers
  • Regulation of limit value monitoring and control in the area of occupational health and safety
  • Prohibitions on the use of materials containing asbestos
  • Information on asbestos-related diseases and their social and economic impact and burdens

A wide range of relevant data, including statistics from the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), the Federal Statistical Office, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Joint Institution of the German Social Accident Insurance for Preventive Health Care (GVS), was analyzed to provide a wide range of findings.

Asbestos frequently used – is a health hazard

The use of asbestos, which was used for around 100 years as an optimal material for over 3000 different products, was banned in Germany in 1993.

Asbestosis has been known for many years as a fatal lung disease caused by handling asbestos. However, even continuously improved occupational health and safety measures and controls have not been able to completely eliminate the health hazards of asbestos fibers. The “life cycle of asbestos products” has still not been comprehensively controlled in terms of health protection.

To this day, people continue to come into contact with asbestos, which is found in old plasters, adhesives for tiles and fillers, for example. Asbestos removal is often carried out to remove it.

Many employees work without adequate information and protective measures , exposing themselves to considerable health risks. Asbestos was mainly used in products designed to withstand high temperatures. These were mainly insulation materials, brake and clutch linings, seals, fire protection materials, protective clothing and many others.

In most cases, more than 30 years elapse between the onset of the disease and exposure to the asbestos-containing materials. A considerably long period of time.

Deaths caused by asbestosAsbestos situation in Germany

According to the latest “National Asbestos Profile” publication for Germany 2020, 1,600 people who were exposed to dusts containing asbestos died at work in 2017. Since 1990 until 2020, 34,000 people have already died from it.

Even today, many employees come into contact with asbestos-containing materials during the demolition and conversion of buildings, often without any occupational safety measures.

Occupational health and safety regulations for asbestos exposure

The current “National Asbestos Profile Germany” specifies the necessary occupational limit values as well as protective regulations regarding asbestos exposure in order to improve occupational health and safety.

GSA measuring devices SG12 for asbestos measurement

Are you planning a conversion or would you like to renovate and are concerned about finding material containing asbestos during these measures?

In our online store for GSA measuring devices, we offer you our bestseller for such measurements, the GSA measuring device SG12 for stationary measurements of asbestos and other fibrous materials.

The GSA measuring device SG12 has been specially developed for fibre measurements in our company.

It is particularly suitable for the detection of asbestos, AMF and other inorganic fibers.
The scope of delivery of the GSA measuring device SG12 includes

  • measuring device SG12
  • Mains cable
  • Two intake pipes
  • Mains cable
  • Two intake pipes
  • Intake bend
  • Hose connection
  • Five replacement blow-out filters
  • Hose connection
  • Five replacement blow-out filters
  • Operating instructions (D/E)

Accessories for measuring device SG12:

  • Different variable area flow meters
  • Sampling heads for different substances

We would be happy to advise you comprehensively on your Hazardous substance measurement concerns. We also offer maintenance and repair services for our GSA measuring devices. You are also welcome to contact us via the Internet or in person.


Image source: © Arjan Van De Logt, image file no. 122497040