Measure indoor air pollutants according to VDI 3492 with SG12 and sampling head

SG12 Sampling device

VDI 3492 – VDI guideline for the determination of indoor air pollutants

VDI 3492 is one of numerous VDI guidelines drawn up by the VDI (Association of German Engineers). They contain trend-setting rules and recommendations for the state of the art and for science. They are relevant for daily practice.

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Measure asbestos fibers with SG12

Asbestos fibres wall

Measure asbestos fibers with measuring device SG12 to determine health hazards

The measuring device SG12, specially developed for asbestos measurement, can be used to precisely measure even very low concentrations of asbestos fibers. It is suitable for sampling inorganic fibrous particles in accordance with VDI 3492 and ISO 14966 as well as asbestos or AMF. It can also be used to measure the various dust fractions such as A-dust or E-dust.

An analysis of asbestos is then carried out to determine the concentration of this hazardous material in the building.

If it is suspected that material containing asbestos was used in the construction of buildings, a measurement is advisable.

The GSA Messgerätebau GmbH manufactures its own suitable measuring devices for measuring hazardous substances. In addition, every asbestos hazard situation is unique. For this reason, we are happy to develop a suitable measurement strategy for sampling asbestos for you.

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