Wood dust is considered hazardous substance. Measures must therefore be taken to protect employees from this exposure. The new version of the Technical Rule for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) 553 has created more comprehensive regulations to protect health when handling wood dust at the workplace.
Cabin air filter in the car – air quality
The pollen count is at its peak every spring and spending time both outside and inside vehicles is particularly problematic for allergy sufferers. Cabin air filters, which are generally standard, are designed to filter exhaust gases and other air pollutants. If the cabin air filter can no longer fulfill its function, more air pollutants such as dust, soot, nitrogen oxides, benzene, ozone or pollen can enter the interior of the car, for example via the air conditioning system.
Asbestos bans in countries worldwide
There is currently no comprehensive ban on asbestos worldwide. Individual countries, mainly in Northern Europe, first introduced asbestos bans in the 1980s. The mining, processing and use of products containing asbestos continues to be a serious problem for human health and the environment.
Types of asbestos – properties and use
Many older buildings often still contain harmful asbestos fibers in the building materials. Soil and air can also be contaminated with these harmful fibers. The term asbestos covers various types of asbestos, which can differ in terms of their properties and previous use.
Asbestos production declining worldwide
According to statistics from the Minerals Yearbooks of the United States Geological Survey from 1980 to 2022 , the proportion of asbestos production by country has changed significantly worldwide in recent decades. While significant quantities were still being mined in 22 countries around 1980, there are only four main producers in 2022.
Air pollution – the biggest environmental health risk
According to the latest assessment by the European Environment Agency (EEA), dated November 24, 2023, the health risks from air pollution in Europe are too high according to estimates from 2021. The concentrations of particulate matter are above the guideline values recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the EEA, air pollution is the greatest environmental threat to health.
Stove Ordinance 2024 – new limit values from 2025
The requirements for the operation of wood-burning stoves and other small combustion appliances for domestic use are being tightened as a result of the amendment to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). By December 31, 2024, these appliances will have to meet the new limit values for emissions and their minimum efficiency. For some owners of wood-burning stoves, this means that they will either have to shut them down or retrofit them by the beginning of 2025. Modern appliances are generally not affected by the new requirements of the 2024 stove regulations as they meet the standards.
Furnishing children’s rooms with low levels of harmful substances
Children spend most of their time in their room, where they sleep, play or retreat to study. Their parents are often unaware of how heavily contaminated with pollutants these rooms can be. They can come from floors, furniture, textiles or plastic toys, for example. Pollutants in children’s rooms can affect their health and development.
Tightening of asbestos limits – health protection
On October 23, 2023, the Council of the European Union approved a new EU directive to prevent and improve the health protection of workers from possible exposure to asbestos and other pollutants at the workplace. The new regulations also include new rules such as stricter asbestos limit values and modern measurement techniques to protect and the prevention of asbestos hazards.
Saharan dust – fine dust pollution
Large quantities of Saharan dust, which traveled thousands of kilometers from North Africa across the Atlantic to Europe, shaped this year’s Easter weather. The desert dust not only frequently led to very cloudy skies, but also to high levels of particulate matter pollution in Germany and other parts of Europe.