Stove Ordinance 2024 – new limit values from 2025

The requirements for the operation of wood-burning stoves and other small combustion appliances for domestic use are being tightened as a result of the amendment to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). By December 31, 2024, these appliances will have to meet the new limit values for emissions and their minimum efficiency. For some owners of wood-burning stoves, this means that they will either have to shut them down or retrofit them by the beginning of 2025. Modern appliances are generally not affected by the new requirements of the 2024 stove regulations as they meet the standards.

Due to the new limit values resulting from the amendment to the Federal Immission Control Act, there is currently a lot of uncertainty as to whether the stoves currently in operation will also meet the new requirements from January 1, 2025.

BImSchV – Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act

The BImSchV (Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act) is intended to implement the new requirements of the amendment to the Federal Immission Control Act (also known as the Stove Ban 2024 or Stove Ordinance 2024). The BImSchV regulates the operation of small and medium-sized combustion systems, such as those commonly used in private households and small businesses, which are operated with fuels such as wood, coal or other solid fuels.

Stoves that heat with these fuels must comply with certain CO2 and fine dust limit values. Fine dust (A-dust) can penetrate into the alveoli of the lungs and cause serious health problems. Harmful air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, CO2, methane, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and soot particles (particulate matter) are to be reduced or avoided by new limit values. The implementation of the new regulations is intended to further promote climate protection and energy conservation.

The new Stoves Ordinance 2024 affects wood-burning stoves, fireplaces and stoves that were built or commissioned between January 1995 and March 21, 2010 if they exceed the applicable limit values and minimum efficiency from January 1, 2025. The final stage of the Stoves Ordinance will be completed at the end of 2024.

New stove ordinance – affected stoves 2025

Stoves built in previous years also had to be retrofitted or taken out of service in accordance with the relevant amendment to the ordinance if they were unable to meet the relevant standards.

Single room firing systemsthat were installed before March 22, 2010 must remain below the limit values of 4 grams ofcarbon monoxide per cubic meter (4g/m3) and 0.15 grams of dust per cubic meter (0.15 g/m3) in accordance with the 1st BImSchV § 26, paragraph 1.

Exhaust fumes from wood-burning stoves

Stoves produce certain amounts of particulate matter and dioxins during operation. These can have a greater impact on the environment. Limit values are therefore necessary to clearly regulate these air pollutants.

Stoves affected by the 2024 Stove Ordinance

The following installations may be affected by the Stoves Ordinance 2024 if they werebuilt or commissioned between January 1995 and March 21, 2010 :

  • Fuel boiler
  • Wood chip stove
  • Boiler
  • Stoves
  • Tiled stoves
  • Pellet stoves
  • Log stove

These may continue to be operated if they meet the new limit values. Otherwise, they must be retrofitted, taken out of service or replaced with modern appliances that meet the new requirements.

Stoves manufactured after March 21, 2010 are generally not affected by the requirements of the new Stove Ordinance 2024. As a rule, their heating technology already complies with its regulations and limit values.

Determine the year of manufacture of the stove

The appliance’s rating plate can provide an indication of whether it still meets the new standards of the Stove Ordinance 2024. In addition, the date of purchase on the proof of purchase and researching the appliance’s performance data can provide information on this.
It is often difficult to determine the pollutant values of older fireplaces in this way. In these cases, the chimney sweep can be commissioned to carry out the measurement.

Exempt from the 2024 Stove Ordinance

These systems, for example, are excluded from the new guidelines as of 01.01.2025:

  • Single-room furnaces built before 1950 that are only used to supply heat
  • Single-room firing systems where the residential unit is only heated by this stove or fireplace (after application)
  • Stoves and ovens with a maximum heat output of 15 kW that are not used commercially
  • historic fireplaces or stoves that were built before 01.01.1950 and are still in the same place
  • Tiled stoves such as heat storage stoves with tiles or basic stoves that have been demonstrably built by an expert
  • Open fireplaces that are rarely used
  • Devices subject to grandfathering are not affected, provided they meet certain requirements

As a rule, all wood-burning stoves that have been on the market since April 2010 may continue to be operated without restriction under the new 2024 chimney regulations.

Approval of a wood-burning stove

Homeowners must have the chimney sweep check the approval of the stove for the requirements of the BImSchV. He can then determine on site whether the measured values for carbon monoxide and particulate matter meet the permissible exhaust gas values. The test measurement certificate from the stove manufacturer is also a way of providing information about the exhaust gas values. However, for approval after 2024, the chimney sweep must require proof of compliance with the values. This proof can be provided by a certificate from the manufacturer or by an individual measurement.

Retrofitting the stove with a fine dust filter

Most types of stoves can be retrofitted with appropriate fine dust filters. In this way, the system can still pass the flue gas test and continue to be operated. The fine dust filter (also known as a dust separator) is usually installed in the chimney flue. When the stove is in operation, the fine dust and other smaller particles are deposited on the walls of the chimney or flue pipe due to the electrostatic voltage.

In addition to the cost of installing the fine dust filter, the regular replacement of the filter adds further costs afterwards. The filters must be checked at intervals by the chimney sweep, cleaned and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. In rare cases, suitable fine dust filters are not available for some systems. In such cases, these would then have to be replaced or decommissioned if they no longer comply with the exhaust gas values.

Health risk from fireplaces – GSA Schadstoffanalytik for measurements and analyses of air pollutants

In some cases, the use of an older fireplace can lead to an increased concentration of harmful air pollutants. In order to determine possible indoor air pollution caused by fine dust and other toxic substances, it is advisable to consult specialist companies for measurements and pollutant analyses.

Our partner company, the GSA Schadstoffanalytik carries out specific sampling with suitable GSA measuring devices depending on the type of potential pollutant. The samples obtained in this way can then be analyzed in detail.

The GSA Schadstoffanalytik offers on-site indoor measurements, for example, to detect possible harmful air pollution caused by the use of fireplaces or other small combustion systems. If you suspect a pollutant, simply contact GSA Schadstoffanalytik for further information and quotes for measurements and analyses.

For possible detection of harmful indoor air due to the operation of fireplaces, the measurement technician will use a suitable GSA-measuring device, such as the PM 4-2, to take samples for the presence of possible pollutants such as A-dust (respirable dust), soot and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).

Different methods are used to determine the exact level of air pollution in indoor air, depending on which air pollutants are being investigated.

The samples obtained are then analyzed precisely in accordance with the applicable guideline and limit values by the GSA Schadstoffanalytik in order to inform the customer of the results and findings.


Image source: ©starush, image no. 206229929ührung_des_Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzesßend it can be said%2C that%2C were purchased in 2010%2C are approved;art1373253,11521718