“Blauer Engel” is a well-known eco-label that is now visible on around 20,000 products from around 1,600 companies. It is the environmental label of the German government. The “Blauer Engel” is based solely on environmental criteria. It is intended to guarantee high standards of environmental and health protection.
The Blauer Engel, the blue figure with outstretched arms and a laurel wreath in a blue circle, has been around since 1978. This eco-label was introduced by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Werner Maihofer (FDP) and the ministers of the federal states for environmental protection. This seal is intended to enable consumers to choose environmentally friendly developments and alternatives. The “Blauer Engel” now exists for around 120 different product groups.
Products and services with “Blauer Engel”
Products and services with this label have a tested and certified, better environmental balance within their product group. They are more environmentally friendly than comparable, conventional products and services. For each product group, there are special criteria that products and services awarded the Blauer Engel must meet. These include, for example, a ban on hazardous chemicals or energy savings.
This gives consumers a better purchasing orientation if they want to buy paints, furniture, paper, etc. that have a better environmental balance. For example, the labeled products are lower in emissions, easier to recycle, more sustainable, have fewer pollutants or are generally better for health.
Labeling of the eco-label
The “Blauer Engel” is awarded to suppliers. On a voluntary basis they can use it to label their products. However, beforehand positive criteria for labeling with the “Blauer Engel” must be fulfilled. The companies must complete an extensive questionnaire and substantiate their statements with certificates certificates. Manufacturers generally print the “Blauer Engel” seal on the packaging and offer consumers who want to make environmentally conscious purchases clear purchasing guidance.
The eco-label is awarded by a jury. It also includes the federal states, trade, crafts, environmental and consumer associations and scientists. The focus here is on the question of whether the products in question have less impact on the environment, i.e. soil, climate, air, resources and water, compared to other conventional products. Only products with the same intended use and product class are compared with each other for possible labeling with the “Blauer Engel” environmental label.
The Blauer Engel database offers help for consumers looking for more environmentally friendly products. In this database,“Products from A-Z” can be easily selected online at https://www.blauer-engel.de/de/produktwelt by product group.
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Image source: blauer-engel.de; Media library: Image: BlauerEngel_VS4_Umweltschutz-geht-uns-alle-an_Large