In the acute pandemic situation with a further increase in corona cases, we offer the new Vira-Pore virus sampling cassette for air measurement of coronaviruses in indoor air for laboratory testing.
By using the Vira-Pore virus sampling cassette, the room air can be tested for coronaviruses on a regular, daily basis. After the laboratory analysis, there is certainty as to whether coronaviruses, which can cause dangerous infections, were present in the sampled room air within a group of people or only in individuals.
This special sampling cassette was developed and validated as part of a scientific study at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, using the GSA measuring devices SG10, the predecessor of our SG10-2. It is the only scientifically validated method for sampling coronaviruses in indoor air to date.
GSA measuring devices suitable for air measurements with the Vira-Pore virus sampling cassette
With the GSA measuring devices SG10-2, SG10-2A or SG12 and the Vira-Pore virus sampling cassette, indoor rooms can be regularly tested for coronaviruses or other RNA viruses in a simple, time-saving and inexpensive way. This is important if people frequently use the same rooms together for work, study or other reasons and can then become infected.
The unique advantage is that it can be used in shift work or during office work. They can also be used in care facilities or during lessons in classrooms, for example. Our GSA measuring devices work so quietly that work can continue without disruption. The filter sample obtained is then evaluated by specialized laboratories. We are happy to provide details of laboratories that can carry out these tests on request.
Advantages of the Vira-Pore virus sampling cassette for coronavirus air sampling
- Several people can be tested together in one room as a “mass test”
- Sampling can be carried out during work or lessons
- it can be carried out easily without specialist medical staff following instructions
- no time-consuming nose and throat swabs are required as with individual tests
- Samples are less time-consuming and cheaper than individual tests
- Laboratory results quickly provide clarity about rooms contaminated with coronavirus, allowing undetected infections to be detected more quickly and protective measures to be initiated.
With Vira-Pore sampling cassette – Detect coronaviruses and other RNA viruses
With the Vira-Pore sampling cassette including filters, samples of the following viruses can be collected for analysis:
- SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, also known as COVID-19
- Flu A
- H1N1
- H1N5
Against the background of the further lockdown measures and for ongoing future control tests, we see the use of the Vire-Pore virus sampling cassette as a very useful support for efficiently testing coronaviruses in indoor air.
Featured image: ©f8studio, image file no. 134459341(S)
Image source: © belchonok Image no. 160716924