Inhalation of hazardous substances – Sampling with SG10-2 and PM4-2

The inhalation of hazardous substances at the workplace and in other areas can lead to damage to health and even serious cancer in the event of prolonged exposure. Clear occupational health and safety regulations are in place to protect health and prevent possible illnesses caused by inhaling hazardous substances.

Hazard due to inhalation of hazardous substances

In principle, hazardous substances can pose a health risk in various forms if they are inhaled through the air. These include, in particular, respirable dusts and fumes that are inhaled during work. The occupational health and safety of employees therefore plays an important role.

In the event of an inhalation hazard

  • amount of the load as well as
  • the extent of the dangerous impairment

where the hazardous substances are inhaled or via other contact. Hazards can arise through inhalation via the inhalation of substances or through the ingestion of hazardous substances. These are then present in the form of airborne gases, fumes, mists or dusts in the breathing zone.

Level of hazard from inhalation of hazardous substances

The level of risk also depends on the toxic properties of the substances as well as their concentration and the duration of their occurrence (exposure). Substances that are hazardous by inhalation generally include solid, liquid and gaseous chemical substances. These substances are inhaled through the lungs. This absorption is particularly easy due to the large resorption surface of the lungs, the high breathing volume and the long breathing time. The hazardous substances, such as toxic substances, can also easily diffuse into the blood vessel system. This means that hazardous substances can be inhaled within a short time. can be inhaled within a short time.

Health exposure to hazardous substances

Hazardous substances can be classified according to their effects in order to provide an orientation as to the extent to which they can be harmful to health. These can be divided into

  • toxic
  • irritates the respiratory tract
  • sensitizes the airways
  • carcinogenic
  • mutagenic
  • toxic to reproduction
  • chronically toxic

Labeling of hazardous substances that can be inhaled

The following Table 3.2-1 of the BauA (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) shows the labels of hazardous substances that can be inhaled:

Table of hazardous substances that can be inhaled

The labeling can be found on the label or on the safety data sheet (SDS). A high proportion of hazardous substances used in companies, such as brake cleaners, wood preservatives or solvents, are classified and labeled as hazardous.

Source: BauA – Inhalation of hazardous substances, Tab. 3.2-1 Labeling of inhalation hazardous substances.

It should also be noted that hazardous dusts and fumes are often released when processing hazardous substances that do not require labeling. These can be generated, for example, when welding or cutting building materials with quartz dusts.

For further assessments of health hazards and occupational safety due to inhalation of hazardous substances, the BauA on “Inhalation of hazardous substances” specifies limit values that describe the H-phrases.

Hazardous substance measurement with SG10-2 and PM4-2

The special GSA measuring devices SG10-2 and the Gravikon PM4-2 are particularly suitable for hazardous substance measurement of A-dust and E-dust.

With the SG10-2, particle measurements of the various dust fractions such as A-dust or E-dust are possible. Depending on the application Sampling can be carried by a person or stationary with a flow rate of up to 12 l/min in accordance with EN 481. The operating range of the device is between 0°C and 40°C.

In addition, the further developed GSA measuring device Gravikon PM4-2 is available for larger sample quantities for particle measurements of dust fractions. Sampling of the alveolar fraction of inert dust fractions (A-dust) is possible with the GSA measuring devices PM4-2. Particle measurements of the dust fractions of E-dust (total dust) in accordance with EN 481 can also be carried out. Furthermore, the device can be used for the simultaneous sampling of particulate and filterable polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and -furans (PCDD/PCDF).
The Gravikon PM 4-2 can be carried by a person and operated independently of the mains. With the high adjustable volume flow of 4 m³/h, measurements with a relatively high air flow rate can be achieved. In this way, even very small quantities of dust fractions can be sampled. It is therefore ideal for sampling in very small rooms and cabins. An advantage is the short sampling time of up to 2 hours in an operating range of -5°C to 50°C degrees.


Image source: © eraxion, image no. 128767715_S

Inhale substance