The GSA measuring devices SG12 is specially designed for measuring asbestos and for sampling inorganic fibrous particles such as KMF in accordance with VDI 3492 and ISO 14966. According to VDI 3492, eight hours are sufficient for sampling. According to DGUV 213-546, measurement at the workplace is possible in two hours. The SG12 can be used stationary for fiber measurements of asbestos fibers as well as for particle measurements of the dust fractions A-dust and E-dust.
Asbestos measurement important – asbestos in buildings up to 1993
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate and, due to its persistent properties, was used in buildings, industry, materials and many other areas as a so-called “miracle material” in Germany until the end of October 1993.
Asbestos is stable against chemical, physical and biological influences and has insulating properties against cold, moisture, heat and sound. It is also non-combustible. Asbestos and materials containing asbestos can still be found in many old buildings today. In particular, many roofs, facades, plaster, fire protection insulation, ventilation systems with filters, floors and tile adhesives still consist of asbestos-containing materials.
Asbestos can only cause diseases when its asbestos fibers are no longer firmly bound in the materials. The previously bound asbestos fibers can be released during renovation and demolition measures, renovations and minor manual work – i.e. during many construction measures. They then lead to harmful fiber contamination in the ambient air.
These dangerous releases of asbestos fibers are mainly caused by heavy mechanical work. This includes various types of work such as milling, drilling, grinding or chipping. Craftsmen and DIY enthusiasts are often particularly at risk during such work. In some cases, they are not informed about the possible dangers of asbestos release. In many cases, they are not aware of the measures specified in TRGS 519 to work more safely.
Released asbestos fibers can cause respiratory diseases and cancer
During manual work or other exposure to asbestos or materials containing asbestos, asbestos fibers can penetrate to the alveoli in the lungs due to their microfine structures. As the body cannot break them down, hardening and scarring develop in the lung tissue. Breathing then becomes more difficult and chronic inflammation can follow. Asbestosis has long been recognized as an occupational disease. It usually develops as a result of long-term exposure to asbestos. It is a connective tissue scarring of the lung tissue that makes breathing difficult.
With a very long residence time (latency period of around 30 years), the asbestos fibers can even lead to the formation of tumors in the lungs, tissue and organs. These then spread to the lungs, pleura, larynx or pericardium. They lead to lung cancer, pleural cancer (mesothelioma), laryngeal cancer or ovarian cancer or other forms of cancer.
In order to determine whether asbestos is being released from materials during construction work or at the workplace, for example, it is necessary to measure asbestos fibers . Our GSA measuring devices SG12, which enables comprehensive asbestos sampling within two hours, are ideal for this professional asbestos measurement. Workplace measurements are very important because asbestos particles, which are hazardous to health, can be inhaled for many hours during the week. However, these can only lead to serious illnesses much later.
Featured image: Own source: GSA measuring devices SG12
EU Directive 2009/148/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at the workplace at: